Office of Municipal Clerk
Saensuk Municipal Office
Office of Municipal Clerk takes responsibility to control and operate following functions;
- Section of Municipality’s Human Resources Management
- Section of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
- Section of Security Affairs and Disaster Prevention
- Service of Civil Registration such as notification of birth, notification of death, notification of relocation and Identification Card.
- Section of Documentary Management , Municipal Council and Officer Meeting
- Preparation of Place and Equipments and Facilitation
- Section of Election and relate assignment
Evidence required to submit to Civil Registration Section
1. Notification of Birth
- Householder or father or mother shall be the notifier with Identification Card
- Birth Certification (if available)
- Notify within 15 days.
2. Overdue of Birth Notification
- Copy of House Registration
- Identification Card of the notifier, Identification of father or mother (if available)
- Birth Certification from Hospital (if available)
- Fine of 20 Baht
3. Notification of Death
- Householder of a person who found the dead body or those who accompanied the passed away person is the one who shall notice his or her death with Identity Card.
- In case of death by unusual reason, first of all, please inform the officer of Division of Local Administration or police for dead body’s inspection.
- If the passed away person’s name is on house registration in the area of Municipality, please bring householder’s house registration to present.
- Notify within 24 hours.
4. Notification of Relocation
- Notifier shall be householder or a person assigned by the householder.
- In case of Attorney, please bring the card of the notifier and householder to present.
- Notification of Relocation (for moving in)
- Copy of Householder’s House Registration to move out or move in, notify within 15 days
5. To notify the relocation at destination. (Automatic)
- Applicant with Identity Card and Copy of current House Registration
- Householder with Identification Card
- Copy of Householder’s House Registration to be moved in
- Service Fee 20 Baht
6. To issue replaced document of address change in case of lost or damage.
- Identification Card
- Copy of House Registration
- Record of Police Report
7. Deletion of Name
- Identification Card
- Copy of House Registration
- Death Certificate
- Translation of Death Certificate into Thai and certified the translation by Ministry of Foreign Affairs (In Case of Death in Foreign Country)
8. To request new household number for new building,
- Notifier’s Identification Card, In case of householder
- Copy of Householder’s House Registration
- Land Document (Title Deed)
- Building Permit
- Letter of Power of Attorney, Identification Card of the Proxy and the Attorney. (in case of Attorney needed)
9. To revise contents in house registration document, please bring the incorrect document to contact the officer. Here are sample of document issued by government officers.
- Civil Registration Data Document
- Copy of Student Registration/ Graduation Certificate
- Evidence of Conscription Document (Sor Dor 9)
- Evidence of Marriage or Divorce
- Certificate of Name or Surname Change
- Passport
- Others
Evidence required to submit to Section of Identification Card Issuing
Request to Make Identification Card
1. In Case of Making Identification Card for the First Time (Full 15 Years of Age)
- Copy of Householder’s House Registration
- Birth Certificate or Official Evidence
- Father/ Mother/ Householder/ or Being Guaranteed by a Person reliable to the official
2. In case of overdue to make Identification Card for the first time
- Copy of Householder’s House Registration
- Birth Certificate or Official Evidence
- To Guarantee by householder or anyone who is reliable to the officer.
- Fine 20 Baht
3. In case of adding name to House Registration Book
- Copy of Householder’s House Registration
- Birth Certificate (in case of overdue birth registration)
- Evidence/ Official Document (if missed out from survey)
- Interview the householder or reliable person.
- Service Fee 20 Baht (Over 60 days from the date of name adding)
4. In case of exceptional person
- Copy of Householder’s House Registration
- Evidence of Exceptional Person such as other cards required by the law.
- In case the person can’t present the evidence to show that he or she is the exceptional person, please bring householder or anyone who is reliable to the officer for guarantee.
- Service Fee 20 Baht
5. Exceptional Termination
- Copy of Householder’s Residential Registration
- Evidence of Exceptional Person (within 60 days)
6. In Case of Nationality Granted/ Return to Original Nationality
- Copy of House Holder’s Residential Registration
- Certificate of Nationality Granted/ or return to use Thai Nationality
Request for New Identification Card
1. In Case of Damaged Card in Important Area
- Copy of Householder’s House Registration
- Current Card Expired (within 60 days)
- In case the card expiration is over due date, the fine of 20 Baht is required.
2. In case of Lost or Damage or Being Destroyed
- Copy of Householder’s House Registration
- Evidence of Lost Record/ Being Destroyed
- Copy of the Lost Identification Card
- Please present any official document (if available).
- Bring the householder or anyone who is reliable to the officer for guarantee.
- Service Fee 20 Baht
Request to Change Identification Card
1. In case the Identification Card is damaged in important area,
- Copy of Householder’s House Registration
- Current Damaged Identification Card
- If the damage is on area of Identification Card’s photo or name-surname and unable to identify the person, please present any official document which can use to prove and identify the person.
- Bring the householder or anyone who is reliable to the officer for guarantee.
- Service Fee 20 Baht
2. In Case of Name-Surname Change
- Copy of Householder’s House Registration
- Current Identification Card
- Evidence of Name or Surname Change Certificate
- Service Fee 20 Baht
Main Activities |
Control Index |
Remarks |
1. Issue of Identification Card | Within 14 minutes | after printing application form |
2. Notification of Automatic Relocation at Destination |
Within 12 minutes | after officer receives application form |
3. Notification of Death | Within 12 minutes | after officer receives application form |
4. Notification of Birth | Within 12 minutes | after officer receives application form |
5. Notification of Relocation In-Out | Within 12 minutes | after officer receives application form |
6. Personal Civil Data Copy Making and Notarization |
Within 5 minutes | after officer receives application form |